Spider-Who Part 200: All New All Different Spider-Man

After the events of Secret Wars 2015 Peter Parker is back as the CEO of Parker Industries and he’s taken the company international. Along with the expansion comes a new suit for Spider-Man, Peter Parker’s “bodyguard”. Yes Peter is still the one in the suit (for the most part), but to explain why Spidey is around everywhere Parker goes, this is the story he’s told the public. Also, Parker Industries is publicly known to make lots of gear for Spider-Man, but also a lot of highly advanced, yet cheap to purchase gizmos and devices for the public. Parker Industries has even taken over the role of making weapons for S.H.I.E.L.D. since Stark Industries seems to have gone bankrupt at the moment.

Spider-Man’s new costume has LOTS of new abilities. Several different types of web cartridges (upwards of 6, maybe more) that can be changed on the fly with a voice command. It’s been shown able to fire a little spider-bot that injected an antidote into a villain’s neck who was trying to use a poison pill to avoid capture.  The suit can even liquefy instantly allowing him to appear in or out of costume in a heartbeat. Spidey probably has many more tricks literally hidden up his sleeves, but so far only 3 issues of the new series has been released.

Along with the new costume come several new and improved vehicles such as a brand new Spider-Mobile which can drive on any surface, a flying Spider-Glider, and the water submersible Hydro-Spider which can project holograms to hide itself or camouflage itself so it is harder to see.

4 thoughts on “Spider-Who Part 200: All New All Different Spider-Man

  1. Pingback: Spider-Who Part 218: Aunt May’s Ultimate Spider-Man | Positively Jim

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