Spider-Who Part 199: All New All Different Spider-Man 2099

Part of Marvel’s “All New All Different” line up of comics after their giant Secret Wars 2015 event (which has been delayed so much it still isn’t finished yet) comes an all new Spider-Man 2099. Well, maybe “all new” isn’t quite right. It’s still Miguel O’Hara, but he’s got a new high tech suit!

After the events of Secret Wars, Miguel took a break from being Spider-Man to focus on his personal and professional life. Still stuck in the present time (the past for him), he figured the were already enough spider heroes swinging around. Focusing on trying to find the event in the present that ruins the future (which is why he’s stuck here) he just didn’t have time to do all that and also stop purse snatchers.

Sadly, while out having a romantic dinner with his girlfriend Tempest, an SUV crashes into the restaurant and explodes just after she’s about to surprise Miguel with news that she’s pregnant. After waking up in the hospital, he’s told by Tempest’s mother that she died in the accident. Enraged and wanting to know who drove a car bomb into him and the mother of his child, Miguel stomps back to Parker Industries to retrieve his new costume and find some answers.

It is revealed in the next issue that the mother lied to Miguel because she disapproved of them being together and she wanted Miguel out of Tempest’s life. Tempest has been shown to be in a coma as of this writing.

To be honest, while I like the new costume and think it looks cool, it’s embarrassing to see the “fridged girlfriend” trope used to get Miguel back in the superhero game. Considering it’s only at the start of the first issue that we’re told he’s been out of the hero business, making use of this trope is possibly one of the most pointless and laziest examples I can even think of. Disappointing to be sure.

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