Spider-Who Part 227: Commander Jessica Drew, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.


By the year 2020 Jessica Drew quits being Spider-Woman and becomes the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. This reality is actually classified as Earth-8410, so it might not actually be the direct future of the standard Marvel comic universe.

I can’t decided if it’s weird that she has an eye-patch just like Nick Fury when he was the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. What are the odds of that happening? Is the eye-patch fake? Is it a piece of spy equipment? What is up with that eye-patch?

Spider-Who Part 226: Zombie Spider-Woman


Along with Spider-Man and pretty much every hero on Earth-2149, Spider-Woman also succumbed to the zombie plague. I think one of the more interesting things about this version of Spider-Woman is that the head piece of her costume is just slightly different than most other Jessica Drew Spider-Woman costumes. Note how the red covers the top of her head completely, and her hair only comes out at the back.

Spider-Who Part 224: New Avengers Spider-Girl, Anya Corazon

new anya

This costume seemed like it was going to be the new standard for Anya when she joined up with the New Avengers. However, it seems to have been a temporary costume as she reverted back to the more traditional and simple black and white costume when we later saw her in Spider-Verse and now in Web Warriors.

Spider-Who Part 223: Peter Parker Scorpion


This version of Scorpion is another clone of Peter Parker, this from the Ultimate Universe. He was created along side Ultimate Tarantula, Ultimate Jessica Drew, and Ultimate Kaine. The additional experiments done to him had driven him insane. He was capture by S.H.I.E.L.D. and held to be studied and questioned. It was discovered the the Scorpion tail was grafted directly to his spinal column.

After the Clone Saga story line came to an end, this clone was not seen again, but there is nothing indicating that he died either. Although, if the Ultimate Universe doesn’t exist after the events of the 2015 Secret Wars event, I guess his status as alive or dead is moot.

Spider-Who Part 222: Ultimate Kaine


A face not even a mother could love. The Ultimate Universe version of Kaine, the clone of Peter Parker, was even more deformed than the one in the normal 616 universe. Obsessed with Spider-Man, Kaine has fashioned himself a Spider-Man costume from sewing together bits of old clothing. He ends up kidnapping Mary Jane, injecting her with a mutating formula of Oz (the chemical compound used in making the Green Goblin formula). His fellow clones Tarantula and Spider-Woman turn on him when they realize he’s crazy and beyond help. This “ultimate” Kaine is killed in the fight.

Spider-Who Part 221: Spider-Woman of Earth-12665


In the story that showed that The Thing of the Fantastic Four lived for several thousand years, it is shown that a mysterious Spider-Woman is at one point a member of the Fantastic Four of the future along side Franklin Richards and a new Human Torch.

The Thing was actually a member of the FF for over a thousand years, and after retiring from that, helped guide the Future Foundation for another thousand. It is said he eventually passes away in the far off year of 6012 A.D.

Spider-Who Part 219: Spider-Man of Earth-4400


So, uh, yeah. This Spider-Man is dead. The only time we ever saw him was this shot, and he’s dead, killed by Hyperion and The Spider as they took over Earth-4400.

Why did I feature him today? Well partly because I don’t have a lot of time tonight, and also because it’s undeniably a different costume than any others. Solid red with no webbing patterns, and I would assume the 5 on his chest means he was a member of another variation of the Fantastic Five, but again, we’ll never know.

RIP Spidey. We hardly knew ye.

Spider-Who Part 218: Aunt May’s Ultimate Spider-Man


The final Spider-Man in Aunt May’s vision of the future is of Peter Parker himself leading the charge of this army of spider heroes. She envisioned Peter as a great inventor, creating vast and varied technology, and changing how crime was fought, and cleaning up the city’s crime entirely.

There are some slight differences in this costume from the normal Spider-Man costume. Note the triangular shape to the red on his chest with the larger than normal spider at the center. You may also notice the red on the arms and legs reaches further along the limbs back towards the body. Another interesting note is how the red angles outward. This is most easily seen on the lower left leg. I bring this up because it’s very similar in how the red has been designed on the latest costume in the All New All Different Spider-Man.

While this Spider-Man never came to be, it’s interesting to note that what is presented as Aunt May’s vision of a Spider-Man in the future, isn’t really all that far off when we think of the current Spider-Man situation and design.