Spider-Who Part 171: Spider-Ma’am

Even Aunt May has been the spider hero in one reality. On Earth-3123 Aunt May is bitten by the radioactive spider and gains the powers of the spider totem. Not having any scientific background to invent web shooters and such, she creates her weapons of choice from dough, knitting needs and yarn. Don’t ask me how it all works out, but it apparently does.

When Peter sees the Amazing Spider-Ma’am in action, he’s actually so frightened of her, he faints. So for his sake, Aunt May keeps her true identity a secret from her family.

In Spider-Verse, the Inheritor Karn travels to Earth-3123 to kill who ever is the spider totem of that world, teleporting directly into the Parker home. Seeing that he is far more powerful than she, Aunt May decides to reveal herself in front of Uncle Ben and Peter, and surrender to Karn so that her family is not injured during a fight. Karn is humbled by this and promises to make her death swift and painless, but before he can kill her, a large group from the Spider-Army show up in time to save her. Once the group leaves with Karn in tow, Spider-Ma’am is left on her Earth with her stunned nephew and husband with a loss for words and some explaining to do.

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