Daily Positives

Daily Positives

Today felt like a good day (and it was), but I don’t have a huge list of things that made it good. It was just a good day! But here are a few positive things anyways!

Firstly I woke up bright and early and got to work on time with no problems. Yay me!

I had a coupon for a free sandwich at Burger King, which I made use of. Free stuff always tastes better.

The first episode of Tabletop Deathmatch came out, which I watched, and then I spent my whole evening watching the entirety of Season 1! It was really interesting to see a bunch of board games in various stages of prototyping and see successful board game designers talk about all the different games. I highly recommend it for board game fans!

Lastly, my friend Erin, who originally encouraged me to do this new blog has made the first of her own weekly positivity blog posts. We agreed to keep each other accountable, and I know I definitely think to myself “I better do today’s post cause I promised Erin I would!” Check out her blog post, and check back in every Tuesday to see how her week went and all the good stuff that happened! I know I’m definitely looking forward to GratiTuesdays from now on! 😀

Hmm, turns out I had more to say than I thought I would when I started this. Hey! That’s another good thing!

Season 2 of Tabletop Deathmatch has started!

The makers of Cards Against Humanity have started putting out episodes of their second season of Tabletop Deathmatch. If you’re unfamiliar, last year the people behind CAH and several other prominent board game designers held a competition to find and publish a new board game. They ended up publishing 2 games in the end, a reflex/twitch speed game called Discount Salmon, and a heavier game about publishing and designing the layout of a newspaper, Penny Press.

Anyways, here’s the first episode of Tabletop Deathmatch Season 2!